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How to Use Body Scrubs

Step 1

Prepare Your Skin

Begin by wetting your skin thoroughly in the shower or bath. The warm water helps to soften the skin and open up the pores, allowing the scrub to work more effectively.

Step 2

Apply the Scrub

Take a generous amount of the body scrub in your hand and apply it to your skin. Start at your feet and work your way up, using gentle, circular motions. Pay extra attention to rough or dry areas, like elbows, knees, and heels.

Step 3

Rinse Thoroughly

After scrubbing, rinse off the scrub thoroughly with warm water. Make sure no scrub particles are left on your skin. You can also use a mild soap or body wash to remove any remaining residue.

Step 4


Pat your skin dry with a towel, leaving it slightly damp.

(OPTIONAL): For a complete bathing ritual apply a rich moisturizer to lock in hydration and keep your skin soft and smooth. Your skin will be more receptive to moisturizing after exfoliation.

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